Tein jäädytetyn suklaajuustokakun pitkästä aikaa ja ensimmäistä kertaa elämässäni tein suklaakoristeita. Mukava niitä oli tehdä, mutta kertokaa viisaammat, että miksi suklaa tuolla tavalla harmaantui kovettuessaan? Johtuuko siitä, että en käyttänyt varsinaista leivontasuklaata, vaan halvinta tummaa suklaata mitä kaupasta löysin? Sulatin suklaan vesihauteessa ja pursotin muovipussista.


Its been a while since I have made our favorite cake, the frozen chocolate cheesecake. I also wanted to try for the first time ever to make some decorations by piping chocolate. It was a lot of fun but I don't know how come the chocolate turned a bit greyish as I let it to set :(.

Frozen Chocolate Cheesecake

9 digestive biscuits
35g butter

200g dark chocolate
200g cream cheese
150g (1 2/3 dl) sugar
1 tl vanilla
2 eggs
250ml double cream

Crush biscuits into crumbs. Melt butter in a saucepan then stir in buscuit crumbs. Press around the base of tin.

2. Melt the chocolate in a bowl
over a pan of simmering water.

3. Mix the creamcheese with 100 g of sugar. Add vanilla.

Separate the egg whites from the egg yolks. Add the yolks into the cheese mixture. Add also the melted chocolate.

Using an electric whisk, whisk the egg whites until stiff peaks form (ensure the beaters are scrupulously clean and dry). Add the rest of the sugar (50 g) and mix with the cheese mixutre.

6. Beat the double cream in a clean bowl and add into the cheese mixture.
Pour over the biscuit base. Freeze overnight.

 7. Decorate with chocolate figures or icing sugar.